Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
E99 Guest Sean Ashcraft
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Our Guest gets pushed out of a plane at 16 years old by his dad...
Guest: Sean Ashcraft
PPG newbie, 27 flights. Father, Wilderness Ed professional, mt guide, fixed wing and helicopter pilot.
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now!
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and has a http://www.PPGBootCamp.com
for students getting ready to learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Sean had over 300 flights his first 12 months of flying ... Sean also completed 3 SIV clinics between 2019 and 2020.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
E98 Host Sean Symons - Guest Cole Parsons - Paramotor Podcast
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Today we talked to Cole Parsons, been flying since 2012. Amazing pilot and a wealth of knowledge. Please check out his YouTube channel and subscribe.
#ClearPropTV #Paramotor #Podcast
Live Stream for this show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rZDCJuyysQ
Sean Symons youtube http://www.IFlyParamotors.com

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
E97 Warning! May talk about Paramotors
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Welcome to a new and exciting episode of PPG Grandpa’s Paramotor Podcast and you can always find us live at http://www.clearproptv.com
Or listen to us on our very own podcast channel at http://www.paratalk.org
Watch my crazy shenanigans at http://www.iflyparamotors.com

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
E96 Host: Sean Symons Guest: Jarrod Kaplan - paramotor podcast
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Welcome to Season 2 E96 with your host: http://www.PPGGrandpa.com Sean Symons and your most awesome guest Jarrod Kaplan!
For Musician, Circus Performer, and Cannabis Entrepreneur Jarrod Kaplan, PPG has become a way of life. If the day is flyable, you will likely find Jarrod up in the air.
Originally trained by Joe Cruz at Blackhawk Paramotor in Valley Springs, CA in the Spring of 2015, Jarrod has since progressed to become a USPPA tandem-rated PPG Instructor himself; now teaching privately in and around Eugene, OR. Currently a USHPA P2 rated Paraglider, Jarrod is currently logging PG flight time for a P3 goal, kung-fu kiting, and beginning the journey into basic Acrobatic flying. He currently enjoys traveling to fly, making music-video style PPG videos, and inspiring others to get into the sport. He enjoys most of his air-time in the Pacific NW, but travels seasonally to fly in Mexico, Moab UT, and California.
Over the past few years Jarrod’s skills have grown exponentially with the help of many great PPG & PG instructors, including: Joe Cruz (Blackhawk), Rick Hallowes, Francesco DeSantis, Dan Dimov (Puerto Vallarta PPG), Steve Reed (Midwest Parajet), Jon Allan Drh Martin (Wind Pirate PPG), Fabul Harrera (Fly Adventure SIV Yelapa MX), Kevin Lee (Thermal Tracker Paragliding, Ashland, OR), and Harrison Ruffin (Astro Paragliding, Bend, OR).
Social Media Links are currently:
Facebook: Jarrod Kaplan PPG / Jarrod Kaplan
YouTube: Jarrod Kaplan PPG
Instagram: Jarrod Kaplan

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
In this episode, season two episode 95, Rob Condella clips in wrong and his riser disconnects from his para motor while doing wing overs. Check out Rob’s Instagram @ CON3081
join us every Monday night live at http://www.iflyparamotor.com
help support this channel by picking up some Merch at http://www.iloveppg.com
find other pilots in your area by going http://www.ppgzone.com
learn to fly at Paramotor Arkansas http://www.paramotorarkansas.com

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
E94 Host: Sean Symons - PPG Trikes and PPC Discussion
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Welcome! My name is Sean Symons, also known as Ppg grandpa. You can find my shenanigans and our video live stream every Monday night at 7 PM Central/8 PM Eastern at http://www.iflyparamotors.com
Every Tuesday night, you can find Tuesday night hangouts with Shane or Eric at http://www.ppgshane.com or http://www.ppglear.com
every Wednesday night at 7 PM central, you can find an all girls podcast hosted by Flying flamingo Jade at http://www.paramotorgirl.com
Help support our show by enjoying our Merch at http://www.iloveppg.com
I want to learn how to fly a paramotor? Contact Sean Symons http://www.paramotorarkansas.com or email him@ ppggrandpa@gmail.com

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Bonus - Host: Jade - E17 Girls just wanna fly Paramotor podcast
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Flying flamingo Jade hosts the all girl podcast every Wednesday night at http://www.paramotorgirl.com
learn to fly@ http://www.paramotorarkansas.com
check out Ppg grandpa‘s YouTube at http://www.ppggrampa.com
we are starting a new channel http://www.theflightbrothers.com where we will be building experimental flying machines and testing them out

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Bonus - Host: Jade- E16 girls just want to fly Paramotor podcast
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Flying flamingo Jade hosts the all girl podcast every Wednesday night at http://www.paramotorgirl.com
learn to fly@ http://www.paramotorarkansas.com
check out Ppg grandpa‘s YouTube at http://www.ppggrampa.com
we are starting a new channel http://www.theflightbrothers.com where we will be building experimental flying machines and testing them out

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Bonus - Host: Shane -Paramotor hang out E32
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Another Bonus podcast hosted by PPGShane!!
Watch never trust a skinny chef Shane‘s show every Tuesday evening at http://www.ppgshane.com or http://www.ppglear.com

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
E93 Host: Sean Symons- PPGGrandpa Paramotor Podcast
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Host Sean Symons AKA PPGGrandpa!
Kick back and relax and enjoy this 2 hour Paramotor podcast. Season two episode 93. http://www.iflyparamotors.com http://www.theflightbrothers.com