Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Ep 189 - Jerry Deavers - PATRIOT PARAMOTOR - Run Into The Sky Nonprofit
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Jerry Deavers I'm a USPPA certified PPG Instructor and a member of “Bad Apples” Brotherhood. I have been teaching PPG since 2020 and have helped many students achieve their dreams of flight! I myself have been flying for over 7 years and have turned this passion into helping others achieve their overdue childhood dream of flying like superman. Nothing is more pleasing than when a student takes their first flight and when they land, describing their experience. Some cry, some are glad to be on the ground. Some can't wait to do it again right away. Out of all those feelings and excitement, I have never seen one not going on a 2nd flight and beyond.
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
#RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Ep 188 - Ben Raven
I’m Ben, 28 from the UK. Caught the flying bug from flying light aircraft but fell in love with paramotoring. Have been paramotoring since Jan 2019. Have done some instructing of new ppg pilots too. In the last 2 years a I’ve added ballooning too, progressing to commercial pilot level and ultimately departing a successful 10 year career in IT to spend my days flying as much as possible. Love travelling all over and flying in other countries, have recently competed in a world hot air balloon championship in Poland, (teaming up with our friends from the USA) Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Check our Bens IG https://www.instagram.com/benraven/?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
#RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Ep 187 - About Run Into The Sky Nonprofit for Disabled Vets and Paramotors
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Ep 187 All about Run into the Sky Nonprofit
for #disabled #veterans learning to fly #paramotor
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
#RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Ep 186 Info on the Endless Foot Drag Fly In Sept 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Ep 186
Tonight we talk with Martin J Henderson about being an air boss at the famous Endless Foot Drag https://www.facebook.com/events/3434793916775323
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org #RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/ ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Ep 185 - Butch Fly - First Candidate at Run into the Sky Run Into
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Ep 185 - Butch Fly - First Candidate at Run into the Sky Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org #RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/ ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Tonights Guest: Susan Ray
Susan Ray is an outdoor enthusiast that currently resides in Wake Forest, NC with her husband Kevin. Together they have four children and two grandchildren. Susan was born and raised in Minnesota. She graduated from Augsburg College (now University) in Minneapolis, MN. It was at Augsburg that she began her 25 year long career in higher education administration. The majority of her years were at Duke University, which she left in the Fall of 2020. Since then she has been focusing on her health, learning to fly, Onewheel riding, and ways to help others spread their wings. She is the founder and current President of Aurora PPG, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the participation of women and girls in the sport of powered paragliding through experiences, education, training, and community with a focus on its use in overcoming past trauma.
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky
http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org #RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/ ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Ep 183 Susan Ray - Run into the Sky Paramotor Podcast
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/
HELP US by sending a self addressed stamped envelope with any gift amount to help disabled vets and people wanting to Run into the Sky!
We are giving away a NEW RESERVE! By sending a self addressed stamped envelope, we will send you stickers and raffle tickets! We will draw after we get $1000 in donations!
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 #111
Conway, AR 72034
WIN PRIZES - Help our mission! Train and get new paramotor gear for disabled veterans and others great training and if needed, adaptive paramotors and trikes so everyone can enjoy this amazing sport!
Buy me a cup of coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
We will do a big give away monthly for the people who send in a self addressed stamped envelope
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Wade Collins
Dave Burnside
Erik von erik
Paramotor Arkansas Flight School - http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Care Printing and Publishing - http://www.CarePP.com
Vortex Aero - https://vortexaero.com
SkySportsUSA - https://skysportsusa.net/
Run Into The Sky Non Profit Org - http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
SkyTap Paramotors http://www.SkyTapParamotors.com
Paraglider Inspection https://paraglider-inspection.myshopify.com/
Skylab SIV https://skylabparamotorsiv.com/
Serenity Island https://serenityisland.org/
Kangook America http://www.KangookAmerica.com
ParaSwagUSA http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com
Airsports USA https://www.facebook.com/FLYAirSportsUSA/
Paramotor Merch http://www.ILovePPG.com
Fly Dragon PPG http://www.FlyDragonPPG.com
Pendulum Junkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/
Follow PPG Grandpa on PendulumJunkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/view_profile/1670897230022x278770625982249120
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Conway Flyers Club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean runs a paramotor flight school .... Ready to learn how to fly ? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
New classes start EVERY WEEK!!! Sean Symons (PPG Grandpa) is on facebook http://www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
TubeBuddy has been a game-changer for my YouTube channel’s growth. They have tons of free tools including their upload checklist. It turns out, I was missing out on some pretty crucial steps! Link in bio for more info. https://www.tubebuddy.com/PPGGrandpa
BEST FREE Unlimited Royalty Music Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/by49g8

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Ep 182 Paramotor Podcast from Run into the Sky nonprofit
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/
HELP US by sending a self addressed stamped envelope with any gift amount to help disabled vets and people wanting to Run into the Sky!
We are giving away a NEW RESERVE! By sending a self addressed stamped envelope, we will send you stickers and raffle tickets! We will draw after we get $1000 in donations!
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 #111
Conway, AR 72034
WIN PRIZES - Help our mission! Train and get new paramotor gear for disabled veterans and others great training and if needed, adaptive paramotors and trikes so everyone can enjoy this amazing sport!
Buy me a cup of coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
We will do a big give away monthly for the people who send in a self addressed stamped envelope
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Wade Collins
Dave Burnside
Erik von erik
Paramotor Arkansas Flight School - http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Care Printing and Publishing - http://www.CarePP.com
Vortex Aero - https://vortexaero.com
SkySportsUSA - https://skysportsusa.net/
Run Into The Sky Non Profit Org - http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
SkyTap Paramotors http://www.SkyTapParamotors.com
Paraglider Inspection https://paraglider-inspection.myshopify.com/
Skylab SIV https://skylabparamotorsiv.com/
Serenity Island https://serenityisland.org/
Kangook America http://www.KangookAmerica.com
ParaSwagUSA http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com
Airsports USA https://www.facebook.com/FLYAirSportsUSA/
Paramotor Merch http://www.ILovePPG.com
Fly Dragon PPG http://www.FlyDragonPPG.com
Pendulum Junkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/
Follow PPG Grandpa on PendulumJunkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/view_profile/1670897230022x278770625982249120
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Conway Flyers Club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean runs a paramotor flight school .... Ready to learn how to fly ? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
New classes start EVERY WEEK!!! Sean Symons (PPG Grandpa) is on facebook http://www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
TubeBuddy has been a game-changer for my YouTube channel’s growth. They have tons of free tools including their upload checklist. It turns out, I was missing out on some pretty crucial steps! Link in bio for more info. https://www.tubebuddy.com/PPGGrandpa
BEST FREE Unlimited Royalty Music Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/by49g8

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Ep 181 Paramotor Podcast from Run into the Sky nonprofit
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/
HELP US by sending a self addressed stamped envelope with any gift amount to help disabled vets and people wanting to Run into the Sky!
We are giving away a NEW RESERVE! By sending a self addressed stamped envelope, we will send you stickers and raffle tickets! We will draw after we get $1000 in donations!
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 #111
Conway, AR 72034
WIN PRIZES - Help our mission! Train and get new paramotor gear for disabled veterans and others great training and if needed, adaptive paramotors and trikes so everyone can enjoy this amazing sport!
Buy me a cup of coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
We will do a big give away monthly for the people who send in a self addressed stamped envelope
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Wade Collins
Dave Burnside
Erik von erik
Paramotor Arkansas Flight School - http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Care Printing and Publishing - http://www.CarePP.com
Vortex Aero - https://vortexaero.com
SkySportsUSA - https://skysportsusa.net/
Run Into The Sky Non Profit Org - http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
SkyTap Paramotors http://www.SkyTapParamotors.com
Paraglider Inspection https://paraglider-inspection.myshopify.com/
Skylab SIV https://skylabparamotorsiv.com/
Serenity Island https://serenityisland.org/
Kangook America http://www.KangookAmerica.com
ParaSwagUSA http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com
Airsports USA https://www.facebook.com/FLYAirSportsUSA/
Paramotor Merch http://www.ILovePPG.com
Fly Dragon PPG http://www.FlyDragonPPG.com
Pendulum Junkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/
Follow PPG Grandpa on PendulumJunkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/view_profile/1670897230022x278770625982249120
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Conway Flyers Club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean runs a paramotor flight school .... Ready to learn how to fly ? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
New classes start EVERY WEEK!!! Sean Symons (PPG Grandpa) is on facebook http://www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
TubeBuddy has been a game-changer for my YouTube channel’s growth. They have tons of free tools including their upload checklist. It turns out, I was missing out on some pretty crucial steps! Link in bio for more info. https://www.tubebuddy.com/PPGGrandpa
BEST FREE Unlimited Royalty Music Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/by49g8

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Ep 180 Paramotor Podcast from Run into the Sky in Beebe Arkansas
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Run Into The Sky Inc. Paramotor Podcast
Donate to $RunIntoTheSky http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE NONPROFIT 501 (c)(3) By donating at https://runintothesky.org/donate/
HELP US by sending a self addressed stamped envelope with any gift amount to help disabled vets and people wanting to Run into the Sky!
We are giving away a NEW RESERVE! By sending a self addressed stamped envelope, we will send you stickers and raffle tickets! We will draw after we get $1000 in donations!
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 #111
Conway, AR 72034
WIN PRIZES - Help our mission! Train and get new paramotor gear for disabled veterans and others great training and if needed, adaptive paramotors and trikes so everyone can enjoy this amazing sport!
Buy me a cup of coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
We will do a big give away monthly for the people who send in a self addressed stamped envelope
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Wade Collins
Dave Burnside
Erik von erik
Paramotor Arkansas Flight School - http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Care Printing and Publishing - http://www.CarePP.com
Vortex Aero - https://vortexaero.com
SkySportsUSA - https://skysportsusa.net/
Run Into The Sky Non Profit Org - http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
SkyTap Paramotors http://www.SkyTapParamotors.com
Paraglider Inspection https://paraglider-inspection.myshopify.com/
Skylab SIV https://skylabparamotorsiv.com/
Serenity Island https://serenityisland.org/
Kangook America http://www.KangookAmerica.com
ParaSwagUSA http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com
Airsports USA https://www.facebook.com/FLYAirSportsUSA/
Paramotor Merch http://www.ILovePPG.com
Fly Dragon PPG http://www.FlyDragonPPG.com
Pendulum Junkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/
Follow PPG Grandpa on PendulumJunkies https://pendulumjunkies.com/view_profile/1670897230022x278770625982249120
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Conway Flyers Club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean runs a paramotor flight school .... Ready to learn how to fly ? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
New classes start EVERY WEEK!!! Sean Symons (PPG Grandpa) is on facebook http://www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
TubeBuddy has been a game-changer for my YouTube channel’s growth. They have tons of free tools including their upload checklist. It turns out, I was missing out on some pretty crucial steps! Link in bio for more info. https://www.tubebuddy.com/PPGGrandpa
BEST FREE Unlimited Royalty Music Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/by49g8