Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Ep 149 Jim Simard - Canada PPG rules and New PPG Calendar for sale
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Help support this channel by purchasing some swag at http://www.ILovePPG.com
Listen to past shows here https://link.chtbl.com/zxOGyWKu
FIND PILOTS NEAR YOU https://pendulumjunkies.com/map
Tonight's show is all about Jim Simard from http://www.CarePP.com
Buy a Calendar tonight for $10 OFF https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/products/paramotor-calendar
using the code: CLEARPROPTV10
BIO Care Printing & Publishing Inc. has be printing since 2001. Started publishing Community Business Directories and this continued until Covid's outbreak. During those 20 years we expanded into printery helping both business and individuals with their print needs. Today we print Business Cards, Flyer, Brochures, Book, Cheques, Calendars etc. We custom print what people desire. Recently we have developed PPGCalendar.com where we allow the community to upload their favorite pictures to be in the next PPG Calendar.
Social Media Links: http://www.CarePP.com
Sponsors: Paramotor Arkansas Flight School - http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Care Printing and Publishing - http://www.CarePP.com
Vortex Aero - https://vortexaero.com
SkySportsUSA - https://skysportsusa.net/
New Non Profit Org - http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
Help us with our NON PROFIT Org - donating here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/run-into-the-sky
( http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org) Learn more about our Hosts and Panel members here: https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Get FREE and discounted merch here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
DID YOU WIN? Go to http://www.PodcastWinners.com
to claim your free gifts!!! Learn more about our guest at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne Brian Waller Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Check out our store... new wings, motors, props and learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Monday Dec 12, 2022
E148 - Shane Collard Paramotor Crash
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Help us with our NON PROFIT Org - donating here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/run-into-the-sky ( http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org )
Learn more about our Hosts and Panel members here: https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Get FREE and discounted merch here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
DID YOU WIN? Go to http://www.PodcastWinners.com
to claim your free gifts!!! Learn more about our guest at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
BIO About me. 48, 3 fantastic Sons. Have had more adventurous blood in my veins. My entire life. I live in S. Utah and Northern UT. Have been self employed most of my adult life. Have built up a few companies and sold them. The most recent was about 3 years ago. Soft retired at that time. I have always done my best to build a life that allows me to always say YES or Yes! Lets make it happen. My life as it pertains to Paramotoring. About 25 yrs ago, I got the I need to fly bug. There is a LZ near my home in SLC. I took lessons, borrowed gear, then within a week, I made a very Obvious mistake that simply just didn't click at the time. My instructor Steve Mayer- Cloud 9. Landed me safely through radio. I was embarrassed that my brain didn't click as to what I was doing wrong and realized that it could have been deadly. That same week, I watched 2 paragliders get tangled while ridge soaring and the both grounded. (Alive). At that point I gave up on furthering my paragliding. Fast forward to 2020. I still had the bug to fly. Knew nothing about Paramotoring. Saw a FB ad from St George Paramotor. I was free from work or financial burdens, so I met with the instructors told them to order what they would buy themselves and started the instruction. I have a very high risk tolerance, I breezed through their instruction and was in the air after about 5-6 days. I felt confident in the air. Started flying with others. Then in Oct 2021, Flying by myself. I took a decent fall from a full wing collapse, around 90ft. It took me about 6 months to get myself/body back in the air. Then I made it a Goal to be well enough to do the trip to Egypt over the anniversary date of my fall. 😁. I made it happen!
Social Media https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012111431297
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel: John Wayne Brian Waller Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Check out our store... new wings, motors, props and learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Monday Dec 05, 2022
E147 - David Proctor - PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Learn more about our Hosts and Panel members here: https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Get FREE and discounted merch here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
DID YOU WIN? Go to http://www.PodcastWinners.com
to claim your free gifts!!!
Learn more about our guest at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
BIO Flying around near colorado springs colorado, 1 year pilot with 150 hours between two wings. Trained with daniel west at colorado paramotor in october/november 2021. Army veteran, infantry. iraq 07/08. Now run Guardian Service Dogs, teaching veterans to train their own service animals for seizure detection, mobility assist, ptsd, etc. Currently working on ppg3 requirements and slowly working towards instructor/tandem ratings.
Social Media Links below: Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel: John Wayne Brian Waller Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now!

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Ep 146 Mark n Shana
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
E146 - Mark n Shana Gudgel Denny - Learn more about our guests at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Bio for Mark Denny... Born in Paris Island, Mark Denny moved to Titusville FL when he was 5 years old. His high energy was perfect for his love of extreme sports. Not only did he compete in motocross, he was also the 1991 Florida Heavyweight Bad Man Kickboxing Champion and a Professional Skydiver since 1987. He was introduced to the sport of flying Ultralights in 1992 and has owned and flown over 500 different ultralight aircraft amassing over 3000 hours of flight time. Mark founded AirSportsUSA in 1994 where he specializes in buying, selling and flying ultralights. He is a Certified Basic Flight Instructor and has taught over 200 students to become accomplished pilots. Mark is now fulfilling his dream of developing an ultralight aircraft that has the capability of flying a paraglider, Parachute and hand glider wing all on the same aircraft frame. This new aircraft allows for the growth of a pilot in their flying path without having to purchase a new airframe as they advance. Simply change out the wings within 15 minutes and enjoy a new flying experience!
Social Media Links
This show is sponsored by http://www.CarePP.com
and http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com flight school. Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Check out our store... new wings, motors, props and learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Ep 145 Michael Crockett
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Learn more about our Hosts and Panel members here: https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Get FREE and discounted merch here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Learn more about our guest at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Ep 145 Michael Richard Crockett
BIO: Hello everyone my name is Michael R Crotchett I got into airplanes back when I was 14 my mother bought me a be a pilot for a day flight in St. Louis Missouri After I graduated high school I went off to look Lynn State Tech now known as state tech of Missouri. To study A and P mechanic . airframe and powerplants I did 2 1/2 semesters before I decided I would join the Marine Corps in 2006 I went off to Boot Camp and graduated in December 15 of 2006 And later after my school training I became an aviation supply specialist 6672 , but it wasn’t till September 23rd 2018 and my friend Nick took me up on his powered parachute and instantly fell in love with aviation all over again although I could not afford one of those aircraft I immediately began searching and scouring the webs for videos and information on it Or I came across Paramotors and I didn’t even realize those existed. Two yrs later Covid set inn an I saved up the money for training i got into a class in May 1 to the 7th of 2021 and since then I’ve had the most amazing experience and met all kinds of interesting folks in made all kinds of new friends and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever decided to do in my life it’s also got me back into GA aircraft where I am working on my private pilots license currently then plan on attending SWIC in Belleville Illinois to continue my GA a training into January 2023
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Check out our store... new wings, motors, props and learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Ep 144 Game Night. Win prizes!
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
E144 - Game Night! Wing Prizes!!!
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now!
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Check out our store... new wings, motors, props and learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Ep 143 Danny Willamson- paramotor pilot
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
E143 - Danny Williamson
Hey everyone I’m Danny! I’m 33 I own a small construction business called ReStore The Shore llc! I live in south New Jersey!! I got inspired 2019 for Paramotoring! (Just by someone driving by!!!!!) In 2020 I bought my first Paramotor and wing!!! Took my first flight October 4, 2021!! Talk about life changing!!!! And all around the same time I got one of the most rarest Model A’s!! (That I found in the back of a barn just the way she is!!!). So I thought how cool it would be to put my SkyMax on the back!! That’s how I got the name (Flying Dan With A 29 Sedan) I can’t wait to be on the show tonight!! Thanks again!!!!
skyexpedition10c TikTok! Flyingdanwitha29sedan instagram!
Danny Williamson Facebook!
Daniel Williamson YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaXaFtFN-zuASgmjrSC5T-g
Here is discounted or FREE merch just for people that watch/ listen to the show https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/ppg-gifts
Get #Paramotor Tshirts for less than $20 https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/paramotor-tshirts
Learn more about your hosts and panel members here https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/blogs/paramotor-podcasts/team-clear-prop-tv
Learn more about Danny at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Ep 142 Jon Alan - Wind Pirate PPG - Running for Secretary of the USPPA
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Ep 142 - Jon Alan - Running for Secretary of the USPPA - PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast
Tonights give a ways... https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/products/vortexero-travel-mug
Learn more about our guests at http://www.ParamotorGuest.com
My TikTok here https://www.tiktok.com/@wind_pirate
IG https://www.instagram.com/wind_pirate
Wind Pirate PPG here https://www.windpirateppg.com
Growing up on a ranch in rural Idaho close to friends and family that owned GA aircraft sparked my love of all things aviation. My best memories are of climbing into those aircraft every opportunity I had. My chance to fly came 15 years ago when my Dad and I bought a hang glider trike. When I moved to Maricops Arizona 9 years ago I was excited to find AirParamo right down the street from my house! I took one flight and was instantly hooked. After saving money for years I was able to purchase a paramotor and my journey began. In 2015 I became an assistant instructor with Mo at AirParamo and eventually ventured out on my own starting WindPirate PPG. My dad had a saddle and custom leather shop so I was already very familiar with commercial sewing. Failing to find any high quality covers on the market at the time for my paramotor I decided to make one. Others in my flight group were impressed and the orders started coming in. I began making and selling custom paramotor covers, kiting harnesses and other items. After finishing my apprenticeship with Mo in 2017, I began training and providing paramotor equipment full time by traveling to the Northwest in the summer and training in Arizona in the winter. Last year I purchased 40 acres near Tombstone Arizona to put in a full service paramotor flight Park and am currently running for Secretary of the USPPA.
DID YOU WIN SOMETHING? CONTACT US HERE https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/contact
IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR PRIZES from https://www.ClearPropTV.com
Our Merch that helps support this channel and our paramotor podcast https://www.ParamotorMerch.com/
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Ep 141 Avery Colburn - $2500 New Paramotor - AirJet BLE 170 - PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast
Hi, I'm Avery, I'm 27. My parents are both hot air balloon pilots, and I've been flying anything I can since I was 4 months old. I was first introduced to ppg when someone foot launched along side a hot air balloon flight I was crewing for, then rediscovered it watching Tucker. In 2019 I taught myself kiting, then went to Mojo's Flight School in Charlotte NC and got PPG2 rated. My first flight was in February 2022, and I'm coming up on 80 flights and 30 hours. I have a fascination with flying on the bare minimum of power and I'm most famous for my Chinese AliExpress paramotor saga.
YouTube: Avery Flies
Instagram: thisguyaves www.Open-Gauge.com
I designed and built a flight instrument with gps and barometer for people that don't want to risk their cell phone Tucker Gott style. The plans and code are free and open source for anyone to build.
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community!
Join now!
Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
and Runs a Paramotor Flight School in Conway Arkansas. Learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school.
Connect with Sean on FB at: www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness
Help us Beta Test our new site which will be called Paramotor Arkansas by the first of the year or sooner... https://paramotorarkansas.myshopify.com/

Friday Oct 14, 2022
E140 Kyle Mooney
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Ep 140 Kyle Mooney
Kyle learned to fly around 10 years ago, about the same time his dad learned to fly paramotors. He sold his motorcycle and his nice car to buy flying gear. He always told his mom "Ill never do the flips and stuff"..Well that didn't work out for his mom. Today Kyle works at One Up Adventures with Travis Burns and Aly Yancy. He is married with an almost 2 year old and another child due in november! Social links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCduI0yh591RV3iEHPNfsanA
Help Beta test Paramotor Arkansas full service paramotor website. From now till December 2022, https://paramotorarkansas.myshopify.com/
Create an account and enjoy a free gift card from http://www.ClearPropTV.com to use on the site when it goes live Jan 1, 2023