Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
E139 Todd Scott - VortexAero - Paramotor Podcast
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Bio for Todd. https://www.youtube.com/user/tntracingtodd
Slid out 10 June 73 Did dumb shit till 18yo ,then joined the Army. Opportunity to fly rotary flew away when I departed Korea 🇰🇷 and my Opportunity to be a paratrooper was cut 🔪 from my goals when my bluefalcon tried to take my leg during a night of hydrating... Retired after pissing in 19 countries and several overseas tours combat and non. Jobs eod,commo,nbc/cbrn,ordnance, m1a1 tanker Always dreamed of flying till a guy in Alaska hooked me up with tucker who passed me to mark Huneycutt who passed me to Tony higby . Took lessons from him and flew when I chose to. First wing 28m2 universal 1.1 then tried on an 18m2 snake 1.2 which was extremely fun loved it. Then to my current wing the Apco F1 22m2 which I footlaunch and trike launch. Been flying for a few years over 500 flights. Run Vortexaero.com for the owner and spend the past almost 3 years testing new paramotor items and tunes for him. I fly 2 viper 200XT motors a vittorazi moster 185+ds and an HPR 180. Trike of choice is the colibri frames I've owned are the aluminum p2f rs stainless steel p2f rs titanium titan xl from p2f Blackhawk kestrel and the sxt140 from Vortexaero

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
E138 Josh Marsh
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Joshua Marsh I'm 35 years old and have a family of seven with one being my granddaughter. Before you try to do the math, no, I didn't start that early. My wife is 10 years older and brought two kids into the relationship. I'm an Army vet and an adrenaline junkie. I'm getting my adrenaline fix by being a paramotor pilot and starting to skydive. Just a small back story. Since my first airplane flight ever, leaving basic training to go to AIT, I knew I wanted to fly. A couple of years ago I finally figured out what I wanted to do. I wanted to fly a paramotor. I have to credit Tucker Gott with that fascination. Well I started saving. I took a class and got in my ground training and the next step would be to buy a setup to complete training. The start of 2021 I had saved up nearly $7k to go buy my first paramotor setup. A family member fell ill and was unable to care for herself, so we moved her in with us, so we could care for her. Unbeknownst to me, someone scanned her debit card information into their phone and drained over $7000 from her bank account. I had to use the money that I had saved up to replace what was in her account so she wouldn't lose any of her assets. At the same time I built a successful business, Rocket City Mushrooms L.L.C., and turned around and sold it for profit. This lead to me being able to buy my first setup. Top80 came from Neil at Aviator PPG and 29m ITV Baja came from Brad Roper at Southern Utah Paramotor. As soon as I got home with my paramotor, my wife met me at the door with a piece of paper and said sign this. What was it? It was,in fact, a life insurance policy. 😂 And yes, it covered accidental during flight. Well I went back to kiting and took some training and finally got in the air on Mother's Day 2022. I'm still fairly new to this sport, with only 30 flights as of writing this, but there is a lot of passion and so much left to learn. Finally I want to say thank you for having me and thank you to my wife. My wife is the one that has to put up with my crazy adrenaline seeking attitude and my expensive hobbies https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshuaMarshPPG
Instagram as @fly_with_jmarsh

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Ep 137 Jonathan Carr
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Jonathan Carr - Ep 137 Jonathan Carr began his aerial adventures early on, gaining his skydiver license at the age of 18. While completing his Masters at the University of Central Florida, Jonathan turned his passion for flying into an occupation by joining Eric Dufour at the Paramotor Academy. Since then, Carr has been helping aspiring foot-launch and trike pilots fulfill their dreams of flying and get their USPPA certification. Under the business name of Paramotor Orlando, he offers comprehensive and personalized training program, including everything from tandem flights through theory and simulator to towing and power walks, with 25+flights guaranteed and full equipment provided. https://www.facebook.com/paramotororlando
IG @paramotororlando
Learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Ep 136 - From a cruise ship
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
PPG Grandpa is on a cruise ship.. might try to do a podcast from out of country...
Shout out to a few members of this channel: John Wayne Brian Waller Kent Stamey
Learn to fly at Paramotor Arkansas http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Ep 135 Victor Dramba Paramotor podcast
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Victor Dramba
/ https://adventurewingman.org/wingman-challenge-2022/
I'm a software engineer, I'm from Romania. For the last two years I've been living in my RV trailer, traveling USA, working, flying PG and PPG, kiteboarding, hiking, canyoning, surfing, whatnot. I did my PPG training with Midwest Parajet in 2019 and I have P3 free flight rating. I have equal passion for both PG and PPG, and traveling around allowed me to fly diverse, sometimes spectacular landscapes. Canyons, mountains, lakes, desert, dunes, beaches. My favorite state in US so far: Utah. Came in for 2 weeks to get my free flight rating with Cloud 9, one year later I was still in Utah. There's so much natural beauty, so much to explore in the state. I'm sharing this amazing adventure with my wife, Manuela. She flies too, but mainly PG, the motor is a bit heavy for her. Right now we're crossing California, slowly heading towards Lake Tahoe, where my biggest future adventure begins mid September: I subscribed for the Wingman Challenge, 1100 miles on paramotor.
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Sean owns www.ParamotorCollege.com
Want to learn how to fly? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.comflight school.
Sean had over 300 flights his first 12 months of flying ... Sean also completed 3 SIV clinics between 2019 and 2021 www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
E134 Shawm Lee Smith paramotor pilot
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Shawn Lee smith bio. Trained at Texas wind riders Farmersivlle Texas Don Brock 2018. Retired for about 12 years. Fly almost daily. Love making videos. Love traveling and flying. Love making caps with leather patches Love flying with my son shawn smith jr. https://www.tiktok.com/@gopappa2
Learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Ep 133 Matt Minyard - May talk about Paramotors
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Tonight we get the honor of talking with Matt Minyard Matt Minyard , from USA, likes to fly
Paramotor the Americas Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcZ2PeLmbBs
https://vittorazi.com/en/experience/vittorazi-matt-minyard-experience-paramotor/ https://www.ppgzone.com/episode-5-of-matt-minyards-china-adventure-wingsuit-stunt
Shout out to a few members of this channel: John Wayne Brian Waller Kent Stamey Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
E132 How to get great deals on used Paramotor gear
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Tonights show is how to spot, get, acquire GREAT deals on USED paramotors
Shout out to a few members of this channel: John Wayne Brian Waller Kent
Stamey Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now! Who is PPG Grandpa? Sean Symons also known as PPG Grandpa has been flying paramotors since 2019. He is based in Conway Arkansas and is part of the Little Rock Flyers club. He runs a paramotor podcast which first aired January 2020 at http://www.ParaTalk.org
Ready to learn how to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com
flight school. Sean had over 300 flights his first 12 months of flying ... Sean also completed 3 SIV clinics between 2019 and 2021 www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Ep 131 Game Night. Win cash and prizes!!
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Tonights prizes:
1 Ryan from http://www.PPGSmoke.com
donated a New V2 chase cam 2
Daniello from https://www.youtube.com/c/STAYBAD
/ donated a HAT, Throttle Magnet and Phone Tether
3 Mark from http://www.ParaLifePPG.com
donated Flag Pole holder, 14' Sticker and a TShirt
4 Jade and Eric Lear http://www.ParamotorGirl.com
donated a SHIRT and Stickers from https://www.tomahawktees.com/
5 Josh from http://www.PPGZone.com
donated stickers
6 Mark from http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com
donated stickers
7 Jon Hudson from True North Paramotors https://www.americanmadeparamotors.com/paramotors/truenorth/
donated a shirt (L or XL)
8 Travis and Aly from http://www.OneUpAdventures.com
donated a shirt and stickers
9 ClearPropTV from http://www.ClearPropTV.com
donated stickers
Want to learn to fly Paramotors? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast presents: ClearPropTV Game NIght!!! The first Monday of each month we will be hosting GAME NIGHT. You must be present to win cash and prizes!!!
Do you know your FAR 103? Weather and weather apps? Airspace and cloud clearance? May the best pilot win!!!! Here is the show URL to watch our first Game Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPxtSClGbTo

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Ep 130 Robert A Muse - Paramotor podcast
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Want to learn to fly Paramotors? http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
E130 -Robert A. Muse Hey I’m Robert I’m 39 been flying paramotors almost 3 years. Trained with Kyle O. Fly a flat top dominator jk. Mack fly speedster3 and dudek uni. I’m a barber have a 17yr son and help raise his brother that’s 11. Recently went to Andrew fullers siv last month. Been to endless foot drag the last 2 years and bad apples this year. Flown at naylor with u once or twice and of course been to Kyle’s fly in a few times.
Shout out to a few members of this channel:
John Wayne
Brian Waller
Kent Stamey
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join
Check out our MEMBERS ONLY videos and community! Join now!